
Ted and Maurice at Lorinc Pap Ter, a Four-in-Art Quilt, August 2014


Lorinc Pap Ter_front

Ted and Maurice at Lorinc Pap Ter

No. 4 in the Urban Series

small plaza

It all started here, in a small square in Budapest right outside our hotel, on a recent overseas trip.  We walked through it several times a day, enjoyed a lovely dinner at the Matryoshka Bistro in the background, sat and ate ice cream on a bench the night before we left.  “Why don’t we have small squares like this?” I wondered outloud to my husband.  “A place where you can get an ice cream and enjoy the evening, and see your neighbors?” for several people had greeted each other as they walked through.  Another group gathered at the pub (just out of sight) for an end-of-the-day gab session.

Baker Ballfield Backstop

Then the next week, trying to recover from an extended case of jet lag, I went walking at our local park — part walking path, part baseball fields, part tennis courts, with lots of benches.

Ted and Maurice

I chatted with Ted and Maurice, two regulars that we see walking in the morning.

Other Regulars at the Park

And these three men who walk together, who do have names, but who I refer to as The Retired Guys.

Ball players

And on Saturday mornings I see the Little Leaguers warming up to play their early morning games.  It was after talking to Ted and Maurice one morning (both retired) that I realized that while my “square” is a contrast to that sweet little Lorinc Pap Ter in Budapest (“ter” means “square” in Hungarian), it is also fundamentally the same.  Of course, I want to go back to Budapest yesterday, but I’m content to notice the contrasts and take what I have.

Some of the obvious contrasts are the commercial enterprises: we work really hard to separate them in the United States, but interestingly more and more shopping centers are trying to recreate that “square” feel, setting out benches, have shaded trees to sit by, and playgrounds for tired children and their shopping parents.  Another obvious contrast is the size, and the purpose.  I think that Lorinc Pap Ter was meant to pay homage to Count Zichy (who is atop the statue, being honored by The Common Man, and The Neighborhood Priest, for the church is right behind me in the photo) and while the park where I walk in the morning is named for a local land donor, there isn’t a bit of statuary in sight.

small plaza+multicolor

I first thought of contrasting the differences felt in times of day, how many people were there, and certainly the colors do provide some visual interest, but I felt it was really a cliche, and didn’t point up the contrast like I wanted to.  So I got the idea to merge the two parks and some of the people, overlaying the backstop and adding Ted and Maurice. It’s a jolt to see a Little League backstop in a Budapest city square, and certainly most ballparks don’t have statues holding laurel wreaths.  By mashing them together it pointed out the contrasts in a quick sort of shorthand.

Walkers at Park

I felt like I’d lucked out to get a photo with the tricolor bunting on the backstop (it’s gone now).  I now was much happier with the outcome, and didn’t let the colorful square of squares go to waste: I shrunk them down and used them for the border.

Ted and Maurice and Quilt

And to end it off, here’s Ted and Maurice, holding my quilt.  They were thrilled to be honored that way, and told me about more regulars (they get there earlier than I do).  Ted took photos of my creation having never seen something like this, and we all laughed and joked around, especially as The Retired Guys came loping around to join us.  All we needed was some ice cream.

Tiny Nine-Patch

Please take time to visit the other Four-in-Arters, who have also put up their Challenge Quilts today:

Amanda  at whatthebobbin.com
Betty at a Flickr site: http://www.flickr.com
Elizabeth at opquilt.com (you are here)
Leanne at shecanquilt.ca
Tiny Nine-Patch
And come back for the next post, with instructions on how you can make your own little art quilt, including the use of Bubble Jet Set!
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20 thoughts on “Ted and Maurice at Lorinc Pap Ter, a Four-in-Art Quilt, August 2014

  1. Another triumph Elizabeth! Your ability to translate your initial idea into a cohesive, interesting and ‘clever’ piece of art is inspirational! I look forward to seeing the techniques you used to make this piece.

  2. Congratulations Elizabeth – you nailed it once again! What a delightful story and you brought it together in such an interesting way. Love Ted and Maurice and their injection into the old square. Cannot wait for the “dissect”!

  3. Very creative, Elizabeth! You have more of an artsy nature than I do. Certainly your contrast story, and pictures of those darling men, made the whole thing much more personable than simply a story about how you made the quilt. This post is written very thoughtfully, and prettily. Nice.

  4. I love your creative vision! What a terrific blending of places and a masterful use of color. This is a delight.

  5. That had to be a fun as well as very creative project. I would have loved seeing the “guys” when they first saw your beautiful piece. Great job.

  6. A winner yet again Elizabeth. You always put such great thought into your work and then tell wonderful stories. I’m quite impressed with the way you blended the two scenes together in such an effective way. Absolutely love the last photo with Ted and Maurice holding the quilt. Perfect. It made me smile.

  7. This is brilliant, Elizabeth. I love the sentiment. So much in our lives was lost with the advent of housing subdivisions, shopping centers, and so many things that tend to isolate us from being out and getting to know our neighbors. The town square and the attendant social conventions were so important in so many ways, not the least of which was how it played into courtship and romance. Thank you for this very thoughtful post and sharing your perfect quilt.

  8. I love the quilt and the story. I especially love your park regulars, they seem lovely. It is interesting how maybe we feel more able to chat in the square and less so in the park. I especially like the colourful pictures on the border.

  9. You did some seriously cool photoshoping. I love the mishmash of people/places. What a fun story surrounding this little quilt. I love the printing on fabric…I must try that! I totally love squares too! That is why we moved to the area we live in. Lots of mixed use building and dense housing. I can walk to the grocery store, pick up dinner, or even go to the dentist. It is such a new way of life for us. Yet, it’s really an old way of life for so many others.

  10. First, and most important I think, is the visual impact–and this one has it. But then the richness of the thought behind it adds so much! Loved the story too.

  11. I love this. And I love the story behind it. How cool to see the ‘regulars’ everyday, and bring them into the story of the quilt. After seeing two of these minis done with photographs, really makes me want to try.

  12. Another brilliant work of art Elizabeth!!! After reading your beautifully written posts, my comments always seem inadequate so let me just say I absolutely love the quilt and the picture of Ted and Maurice holding it up at the end is perfect!

  13. Hi Elizabeth – I so agree with the other commenters. I would only add that you created a community by doing this quilt and showing it to the regulars. It can be wonderful when the various strands of our lives intersect and suddenly become a fabric. I don’t want to overwork this cliché – just saying that it isn’t only the thought and craft that’s at work here, it’s also the gift at work.

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